Paintings created on a variety of surfaces, using a variety of materials, and in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Usually with spray paint, mostly on wood, always with love ❤️
- Vantage Point
Sold out - Detour
Sold out - Bypass
Sold out - Continuum
Sold out - Perpetuum
Sold out - Arrival$950
- Departure
Sold out - Foundation III
Sold out - Headed Nowhere
Sold out - Fade$50
- Keyhole$75
- Spotlight$500
- Vignette$300
- Falling
Sold out - Blossom$1,700
- Inflorescence$1,000
- November Feeling$1,000
- Dawn Chorus$1,000
- Still$600
- Ektachrome$600
- Soft Fade$600
- Keep Moving
Sold out - Blush
Sold out - Golden Energy$600